Nombre chino: King of Fighters
Nombre en inglés: KOF
Formato de recurso: paquete comprimido p>
Versión: Las Obras Completas de The King of Fighters Comics 94--2003, The King of Fighters Kyo, Extreme Impact, The King of Fighters Z, The King of Fighters VS Street Fighter, The King of Fighters EVOLUTION. ..
Región: Continental
Idioma: chino simplificado
Orden de visualización del manga The King of Fighters
The King of Fighters R ( 1993)
The King of Fighters 94 (1994)
The King of Fighters 95 (japonés), The King of Fighters 95 (Hong Kong) (1994)
The King of Fighters Beijing (1995-96)
The King of Fighters 96 (Japón), The King of Fighters 96 (Hong Kong) (1996)
p>King of Fighters 97 (1997)
King of Fighters 98, King of Fighters 98 (versión Taiwán), King of Fighters R2 (1998)
King of Fighters 99, King of Fighters EVO, King of Fighters RX (1999)
Street Fighter vs. The King of Fighters, Street Fighter vs. The King of Fighters Gaiden (2000)
The King of Fighters Z ( 1997-2000)
The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters RX00 Project (2000)
The King of Fighters 2000 Capítulo OX (2000)
The King of Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters RX Sound Nest Capítulo final (2001)
The King of Fighters 2002 (2002)
The King of Fighters vs. Street Fighter (2003) )
The King of Fighters 2003 Prólogo (2003)
The King of Fighters 2003 Súper Lucha (2003)
The King of Fighters Impacto Extremo (2004)
El nuevo King of Fighters 2006 (2006)