Un juego imprescindible para Android
Pequeño: Evolution, Dokro, Resident Evil 4
Mediano y grande: Monument Valley, Plunder Sword, Shadow Continent, Shadowgun , Serie Grand Theft Auto, Serie NBA2K, Call of Duty, Serie Modern Warfare, Wild Blood, Godfire Prometheus, Near Alliance, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Disney Infinity Box, Uncharted, Star Wars, Warhammer Quest, Serie Order and Chaos, City of Saints, serie Batman, Invasion, Chaos Rings, Toyland, serie Kingdom Come, Worms, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Master of None Land, This War of Mine, Machinarium, serie Los Sims, serie Toy Tower Defense, Limbo, Lone Wolf, serie Wild Race, Real Racing, Six-Shot Revolver, serie Dungeon Hunter, Blades Green, Thor 2, Starfront, The Witcher, Hearthstone, Heroes of Might and Magic, Mortal Kombat, Deus Ex, Braveheart World War, Galaxy on Fire , Time Travel, The Witcher: Sins of the Father y hay algunos más para mencionar. Bueno, estos son suficientes para que juegues personalmente.
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